
The System of Care Coordinators Group page is here to distribute information, archive online SOC meetings, offer learning opportunities and facilitate discussion around North Carolina System of Care and Child and Family Team Training. We hope to see you visit these pages and become engaged in some of the discussions and other offerings you will find here.

Please take a second to note the tabs near the top. For now, these are the main sections for organizing the site content. We expecet very much to be adding or changing items but the tabs will remain in this location and be the mechanism for navigating the site. Also know if you click on the big orange group title "System of Care Coordinators Group" - it will always take you to the home tab of this group.

Click Below for Presentations / Downloads Recording Link
06-01-2020 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

05-11-2020 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

12-16-2019 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

04-01-2019 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

03-04-2019 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

02-04-2019 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

12-03-2018 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

10-01-2018 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

09-10-2018 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

08-06-2018 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

05-07-2018 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

04-02-2018 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

02-05-2018 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

12-04-2017 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

11-06-2017 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

10-02-2017 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

08-07-2017 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

06-05-2017 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

05-08-2017 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

04-03-2017 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

03-13-2017 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

01-30-2017 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

12-06-2016 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

11-07-2016 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording:

SOC Coordinators October 2016
06-01-2016 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording - Click Here

03-17-2016 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording - Click Here

02-16-2016 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording - Click Here

01-21-2016 SOC Meeting

Meeting Recording - Click Here

An Introduction to Child and Family Teams: A Cross System Training From the Family’s Perspective

This is a two-day (11 classroom hours) experiential training developed in partnership with families in North Carolina.  The goal is to provide an overview of Child and Family Team meetings from the family’s perspective.

Families, through focus groups and through direct involvement in curriculum writing, provided essential guidance in the development of this training.  The training is grounded in their knowledge and experience, especially regarding how to make Child and Family Teams a successful way to support the active involvement of families, children and youth in planning for the family.

This training seeks to reinforce the idea of “one family, one plan” by addressing Child and Family Teams through the lens of multiple systems as they affect families in their everyday lives.  It is encouraged that both agency representatives and parents/family members attend this training.

Participants should come ready to be actively engaged in the process for two full days.  The majority of the training will be presented through the experience of mock Child and Family Team meeting role-plays.  At various times throughout the training, participants will serve as members of the meeting process and as observers of the meeting process.   Trainers will provide opportunities for connection, introspection, conversation, and exploration about how to best bring families to the table.

Child and Family Teams from the Family’s Perspective: Part Two—A Cross Systems Approach to Facilitating Family Driven Meetings

This two-day course will prepare participants to facilitate Child and Family Team meetings across systems.  This curriculum will offer a combination of reflective activities and practice skills to reinforce the facilitator as the guide of a participatory process. Participants will be introduced to basic facilitation tools and offered opportunities to practice. This training will continue to support the perspective of the family as presented in the prerequisite but will focus on how the role of the facilitator is essential in supporting participatory Child and Family Teams.

Download the Trainers List...

Both of these curricula require a team of 2 trainers: a family co-trainer and an agency co-trainer.  The follow link provides you with the most updated list of approved trainers and their contact info.

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