All training sessions are held from 9:00am to 12:15pm
Title: Overcoming Stress and Building Resilience
Date: March 8th, 2025
Speaker: Felicia Gibson
Description: This session will discuss the impact of secondary traumatic stress (STS) on mental health providers and clinical supervisors. Session attendees will engage in group discussion about empathic strain and explore strategies that support resilience and compassion satisfaction for instructors and leaders.
Learning Objectives :
Upon completion participants will be able to:
- Discuss the prevalence of secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue and burnout
- Apply theories of learning, wellbeing and resilience to current workforce stressors
- Enhance understanding of healthy coping mechanisms that mitigate the impact of provider burnout and promote quality engagement
Title: Supervising Through a Trauma-Informed Lens
Date: March 22nd, 2025
Speaker: Dr. Arianne Jennings
Description: This training will equip supervisors with the knowledge and tools to effectively lead and support teams using a trauma-informed approach. Participants will explore the principles of trauma-informed care, emphasizing safety, trust, and empowerment of their team members and clients.
Learning Objectives :
Upon completion participants will be able to:
- .Understand trauma-informed care principles and their relevance in supervision.
- Recognize the impact of vicarious trauma on clinicians and clients.
- Develop supervision strategies that integrate trauma-informed practices.
Title: Cultivating the Supervisory Alliance: Strengths, Stressors, & Solutions
Date: April 5, 2025
Speaker: Theresa Palmer
Description: The quality and effectiveness of the supervision experience largely depends on the supervisory alliance. The working relationship between the supervisor and supervisee plays a critical role in the growth and development of the clinician receiving supervision. This workshop will explore various factors that enhance as well as impede the cultivation of a supervisory alliance that effectively promotes supervisee growth. Supervisory solutions for addressing counterproductive situations as well capitalizing on existing strengths will be explored, including the role of personal development in the context of supervision.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion participants will be able to:
- Identify key components of the supervisory alliance.
- Articulate stressors impacting the supervisor-supervisee working relationship.
- Develop strategies to overcome dynamics that are counterproductive to supervise growth.
- Explore aspects of the supervisory alliance that appropriately promote personal development in the context of clinical supervision.
Title: Addressing Neurodivergence in Clinical Practice: A Strength-Based Approach
Date: April 12, 2025
Speaker: Brittany Greene
Description: This interactive presentation explores the concept of neurodiversity and its implications for mental health clinicians. Moving beyond a deficit-focused framework, participants will learn to adopt a strengths-based approach that recognizes and supports the unique needs of neurodivergent individuals. Through case studies, practical strategies, and self-reflection, clinicians will gain tools to create affirming spaces that empower clients and enhance therapeutic effectiveness. The session will also provide guidance on adapting evidence-based practices to better serve neurodivergent individuals in clinical settings.
Learning Objectives :
Upon completion participants will be able to:
- Define neurological differences and explain their significance in clinical practice, including how they contrast with traditional deficit-based models
- Identify key characteristics and strengths of neurodivergent conditions (e.g., autism, ADHD, dyslexia) and recognize how these can be integrated into a strengths-based therapeutic approach.
- Apply practical strategies to adapt evidence-based therapeutic interventions (e.g., CBT, DBT, motivational interviewing) to better meet the needs of neurodivergent clients.
- Develop skills to create sensory-friendly environments while promoting self-advocacy and resilience among neurodivergent clients.
Title: Using AI in advancing clinical supervision with ethical considerations
Date: May 3, 2025
Speaker: Michael Daniels
Description: As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more prevalent in clinical care, clinical supervisors encounter the crucial task of ethically incorporating these advanced technologies. This workshop aims to provide clinical supervisors with essential components to consider and techniques to address the ethical intricacies involved in utilizing AI tools within clinical settings. Attendees will explore dynamics of AI technology, the impact AI has on clinical practice, and ethical principles which guide implementation of AI interventions, emphasizing client well-being, privacy, and informed consent.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion participants will be able to:
- Define artificial intelligence and its applications in clinical supervision.
- Outline the key ethical principles that govern clinical supervision and how they intersect with AI usage.
- Understand the impact of AI tools on decision-making processes in clinical settings.
- Explore criteria for evaluating the appropriateness of AI tools in clinical supervision.
- Discuss data privacy concerns and confidentiality issues related to AI in clinical supervision.
- Identify and examine biases in AI systems and their implications for clinical supervision.
- Review the importance of informed consent and transparency when using AI tools in clinical contexts.
- Identify legal and regulatory frameworks governing AI in healthcare.
- Identify ethical decision-making frameworks to scenarios involving AI in clinical supervision.
Agenda for all sessions
9 am – 10 am Objective 1
10 am – 10:30 am Objective 2
10:30 am – 10:45 am pm Break
10:45 am – 11:15 am Objective 2 continued
11:15 am – 12:10 Objective 3
12:10 pm – 12:15 pm questions and closing remarks
Each session in this series consists of three hours of instruction. There are two fifteen-minute breaks built into each session.
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