Sure Bet: Spring Series 2024



Sure Bet One and Two

To raise awareness and provide education, the North Carolina Problem Gambling Program (NCPGP) and the Division of MH/DD/SAS are sponsoring afour-partworkshop to provide in-depth knowledge about problem gambling and treatment interventions. In this training, topics of problem and pathological gambling, gambling counseling theory and practice, regulations and ethical issues, and financial aspects of remuneration will be addressed.

Completion of this training will meet one of the requirements necessary for the NCPGP Provider Registry. Participation in this training does not assure that a provider will be selected for the NCPGP Registry, but it is a required component of becoming an NCPGP provider.

While this training is open to anyone, completion of both Sure Bet One and Two will meet the requirements necessary for application for the NC Problem Gambling Program (NCPGP) Provider Registry. Participation in these trainings does not assure that a provider will be selected for the NCPGP Registry, but it is a required component of becoming an NCPGP provider.



Sure Bet One


What constitutes a problem with gambling? And how do professionals assist individuals whose gambling is creating problems in their home and work lives? This two-part workshop will provide in-depth knowledge about problem and gambling disorder, treatment interventions, gambling counseling theory and practice, regulations and ethical issues, and financial aspects of remuneration. 





February 7 & 8, 2024

9 a.m.–4 p.m. EST


The Friday Center - 100 Friday Center Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27517

 Registration Fee: $25
Contact Hours: 12


Sure Bet Two


Thistwo-partworkshop will provide in-depth knowledge and practice skills using Motivational Interviewing and financial counseling in problem gambling services to special populations (e.g. military, adolescents, young adults, older adults and females) and their non-gambling family members. 




March 6 & 7, 2024

9 a.m.–4 p.m. EST


The Friday Center - 100 Friday Center Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27517

 Registration Fee: $25
Contact Hours: 12




Sure Bet Three


Effective money management strategy and quality mental health principles often work together when discussing any issue connected to smart financial living; but with gambling disorder, there are additional unique challenges that clinicians should consider for more effective treatment outcomes. Specifically speaking, money is often over-valued and considered the “drug” by those who suffer from this behavioral addiction disorder. This distorted thinking can complicate the most basic budgeting and financial based decision-making activities essential to an overall healthy and balanced lifestyle. Learn more about these unhealthy thinking patterns and the different techniques to utilize when working with those experiencing problem gambling behaviors. Also, gain an overall understanding of what healthy money management principles looks like and how to apply them in your sessions with clients and their families.




April 18, 2024

9 a.m.–4 p.m. EST


The Friday Center - 100 Friday Center Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27517

 Registration Fee: $15
Contact Hours: 6


Series Presenter:


Robby Fuqua

Robby Fuqua




Continuing education statements (Sure Bet One and Sure Bet Two)
The University ofNorthCarolina atChapel Hill School of Social Workhas been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6642. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The University ofNorthCarolina atChapel Hill School of Social Workis solely responsible for all aspects of theprograms.  12 contact hours for Sure Bet One and Two.
Sure Bet One and Two has
beenapproved bythe North CarolinaAddiction SpecialistProfessional Practice Board for12SS contact hours.  
The University
ofNorthCarolina atChapel Hill School of Social Workis an Approved Provider by the National Council on Problem Gambling, NCPG CEU Approved Provider Number 08/801. 12 contact hours for Sure Bet One and Two.
Continuing education statements (Sure Bet Three)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6642. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. 6 contact hours.
This course is being submitted to the North Carolina Addiction Specialist Professional Practice Board for 6 SS contact hours. NCASPPB Approval #.
An IGCCB Preferred Provider.
For more details about the training series please visit Problem Gambling — Sure Bet Training.

For questions, please email us or call 919-445-0990.

NC Department of Health and Human Services Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services NC Problem Gambling Program; North Carolina Problem Gambling Program, 1-877-718-5543,, If gambling is more than a game, free help is available; UNC School of Social Work Behavioral Health Springboard


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