PROBLEM GAMBLING Can we just be fans?! Sports Betting 2024 and Beyond
$15 per program session For continuing education details and registration, visit
The sports betting culture seems to be taking over traditional sports viewing & fandom in the US and globally at a very fast rate. Every game, in every sport viewed on the major US networks are now promoting sports betting venues at every opportunity, while in-game sporting apps are being introduced by the dozens. How can we treat individuals with such an onslaught of technology and options that now inhabit the sports viewing space; and in a country that has historically promoted sports viewing/participation as a healthy & productive lifestyle? This workshop will explore and focus on the individual approaches to those experiencing problem sports betting issues and the dilemma of sports viewing, being a fan and successful treatment.
Date & Time:
December 5th, 2023
9:00am - 4:00pm
contact hours: 6
virtual via Zoom
Speaker Information
Robby Fuqua, LCSW
Continuing Education: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6642. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. 6 contact hours
This course has been submitted to the North Carolina Addiction Specialist Professional Practice Board for 6 SS contact hours.Preferred Provider with IGCCB through LifeWorks
This workshop is funded in part by the federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Fund (CFDA #93.959) as a project of the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services.