Supporting Dually Diagnosed Youth & Families: Two-Part Workshop in Greensboro, NC



NC Children with Complex Needs Training Series

Evidence-Based and Promising Practices to Support the Workforce and Partners Serving Individuals with Mental Illness and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Supporting Dually Diagnosed Youth and Their Families: Innovative Interventions & Professional Advocacy Training  

This workshop sponsored by the North Carolina Division of Child and Family Well-Being will incorporate two topics designed for professionals working with dually diagnosed youth and their families who are navigating the complex intersection of mental health challenges and intellectual/developmental disabilities. 




Date & Time:

March 15th 8:00 am-3:30 pm


The Koury Convention Center
Greensboro, NC

Credit hours: 6 hours total

Part 1: Innovative Interventions and Strategies to Support Dually Diagnosed Youth Through a Trauma Informed Lens  
Speaker: Dr. Wanda Brown- Ramseur 

Part 2: Professional Advocacy Training to Support Families of Dually Diagnosed Youth  
Speaker: Chewuna Patterson 


Registration Fee: $70.00

Capacity: 100



Following the Workshop, participants are invited to attend an optional follow-up Masterclass with Dr. Wanda Brown-Ramseur on one of the following dates:


April 1st, 2024
May 6th, 2024


9:00 am to 11:00 am

Modality: virtual

Credit hours: 2 hours total


Participants will receive a link after the workshop concludes, allowing attendance to ONE masterclass free of cost. Please note that both dates will consist of the same class material. 

Please note: Registration includes access to the two workshop trainings + one virtual masterclass and meals during the in-person training. Registration does not include overnight accommodations. If you would like to purchase a stay at the Sheraton Greensboro, connected to the Koury Convention Center, you can access the room block here:


Dr. Wanda Brown-Ramseur


Chewuna Patterson


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6642. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. Each successfully completed webinar qualifies for up to 8 contact hours.
This course has been submitted the North Carolina Addiction Specialist Professional Practice Board for up to 8 contact hours.  


For more details about this training and continuing education information please visit

For questions please email us at

NC DHHS, UNC SSW BHS, NC Complex Needs


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