The Gamblification of Sports Culture and Safety Considerations
Target Audience: Professionals working in the field of mental health, addiction, or education, administrators, clinicians, peer support specialists, community and religious settings, as well as those interested in learning more about gambling.
Date: March 24th, 2025
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Registration fee: Free to attend (pre-registration required)
Sports betting has taken America by storm since Professional & Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 (PASPA) was overturned by the Supreme Court in June 2018, allowing states to pass laws permitting (previously outlawed) sports betting. Over the last six years, 38 states have legalized sports gambling with 30 of these states permitting online sports betting. On In March of 2024, North Carolina became the most recent state to join this majority allowing online sports betting. Nationwide calls to problem gambling helplines and reports of harms related to gambling have been on the rise, North Carolina is no exception. The integration of gambling and gambling activities into non-gambling activities such has sports has been described as “gamblification,” and it can be seen in the acceptance of sports betting as a normal part of sport culture. As the popularity of sports betting grows so do concerns about its impacts on individuals, communities and overall wellness. Research and regulations provide a path to increase education and awareness, but how can we ensure the safety of North Carolinians? Learn from national and international experts as they present their ideas in creating a safer sports viewing environment through recently proposed legislation, prevention and education programs.
At A Glance:
Speaker: Robby Fuqua, LICSW, ICGC-1, Training Specialist, TELUS Health
IC360 Compliance & Integrity Solutions in Gaming Industry
Speaker: Dan Trolaro, Co-Managing Director - Education and Training Services, IC360
Latest Findings in Problem Gambling Research Among Sports Bettors
Speaker: Michelle Malkin, JD, Ph.D., Director, Gambling Research & Policy Initiative, East Carolina University
Gambling Regulation in Professional Sports
Speaker: Leonardo Villalobos, Senior Counsel on Sports Betting & Compliance, Major League Baseball
The Gamblification of Sports Culture and Safety Considerations
Speaker: Alison Wood, Prevention Specialist,North Carolina Problem Gambling Program and TELUS Health
Changing Gambling Protections Through Legislation
Speaker: Harry Levant, Director, Gambling Policy-Public Health Advocacy institute, Northeastern University