CWCN: Needs Assesment Survey



NC Children with Complex Needs

Evidence-Based and Promising Practices to Support the Workforce and Partners Serving Individuals with Mental Illness and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

We want your feedback!


Children with Complex Needs (CWCN) are defined as youth ages 5-21 with a developmental and/or intellectual disability and a mental health diagnosis.  These youth are also Medicaid eligible and at risk of disrupting placement in their communities



This needs assessment survey was created to identify strengths, training needs and other themes surrounding workforce development to continue supporting this population by increasing the confidence and competence of professionals in the field.  The information gathered with this survey and other information gathering activities will inform upcoming training topics and workforce development activities.  

This 17-question survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.

Please complete by
October 21, 2024.  Reach out to with any questions. 



NC DHHS, UNC SSW BHS, NC Complex Needs

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