- You will need a valid credit card and be prepared to pay and complete the check process when you submit this form. Registration will not be saved if checkout is not complete.
Know the billing address for your card (including zip code) before you start (consider company cards and 'p-cards'). Only Visa and Master Card are accepted with the university system.
- Upon successful registration you will receive these emails:
1 receipt email that includes all items and quantity added to your cart along with payment status sent to the account who initiates the registration.
1 confirmation email per registrant(s) will be sent to notify participants about their registration. An account will be generated for those not already in the BHS system.
- All registrants will use their BHS login after the training is completed to access evaluations, certificates and other continuing education credits.
Attendance in a 12+ hour ASAM PPC training.
Practice in applying the PPC to ‘real life’ client/patient cases.
Read the book, prior to the workshop, ASAM PPC (2013.)
Have access to the ASAM PPC (2013) book for the workshop.
Please be prepared to discuss areas of challenge or confusion in applying the ASAM PPC.
Training Date(s):
12/12/2023 - 8:30am
Seats Available :
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